Historical summary
July 28, 2024
In this category, I will discuss a changed picture of our history that has emerged from many remote viewing sessions.
A summary of a picture which, taken together, cannot be found in the history books due to their overlapping information.
In the further course, articles will be posted here that go into more detail on the individual points and also other sessions that are related to this.

First with a genesis, where higher developed beings began to settle civilizations on our planet.
As you can see in the chart, these were complete underground facilities that could only be reached if they could penetrate matter and were thus protected from primitive interference. They were similar to those in the Bucegi Mountains.
There were several of them. The history of their origin seems to lie just as far back in a time frame that seems completely unreal to us. Some of the sessions speak of well over 400,000 years. And this figure is still very short.
Such projects have appeared again and again on Earth, at different times. Some of these set civilizations then developed further over time and achieved a leap in consciousness in their evolution, from which we are still a long way off, and left the earth again.

Then, at a much later time, came the pyramid cultures. They imitated the natural ability of the beings from the so-called Genesis projects.
Here, too, there was a far greater and better understanding of natural relationships in terms of technical possibilities. The pyramids in Giza were built over 50,000 years ago. I am fully aware that this information does not correspond in the slightest with our historical information. But if we use a radiocarbon method whose parameter is that the sun was permanently shining on our planet and forget that our earth, like Venus, was once completely covered in clouds, it is flawed. The time periods of the measurement data must be extended enormously.
Both periods of civilization, which in turn comprised several individual civilizations, were able to adapt to changing environmental conditions. The coming civilizations have completely lost this knowledge, ability and understanding.

The third section begins with Atlantis. According to my findings, even the Atlanteans no longer really knew what the pyramids were for.
They reduced the pyramid technology to technical devices. This meant that a fundamental principle was lost, which proved to be a disadvantage.
The culture of Atlantis is always glorified in our eyes. Perhaps simply because we do not have the slightest access to this knowledge. But crystals, flying machines, monumental buildings - do not necessarily indicate a benevolent culture.
There are enough signs that artificial intelligence has found its way here. Fatal catastrophes have caused the entire land mass to sink below sea level and the previously submerged land masses have risen to the surface. This was also not a process that took place in a very short time.
A culture goes through a process that I associate with the collapse of consciousness, where completely absurd manifestations emerge in thought and action. This sometimes happens over several generations.
Similarities with today's events are completely coincidental...
The AI was then completely buried and overridden by these events, as was the technology, the knowledge of the time and also the urban culture.

We as humanity have gradually come back with new civilizations, but even here some of our historiography is not truthful. We dwell on Greek, Roman or Egyptian culture and mix up things that do not belong together.
If you look at the technology of the ancient temples, you will quickly recognize that some elements of the previous historical lines are still present here. Right up to today's cathedrals.
There are remnants of this knowledge - but who has it? The general public certainly doesn't.
All the buildings have a few things in common: the underground water systems, which are a prerequisite for their functioning. The gravitational anomalies that occur, a specific geometry to obtain certain resonances, a connection to the space-time communication grid.
This connection in particular is an indication of the possibility of maintaining communication that extends far beyond our planet.

We always forget one thing in our thinking: our mental abilities are largely degenerated, for a variety of reasons. The perception of possibilities and potentials of what we are really capable of is massively reduced. Remote Viewing is a first step towards expanding this perception and also in regaining past abilities.
Remote Viewing is the first step towards becoming aware of this. It is not about collecting nice stories about our past, but rather realizing that our future will be like our past was if we don't start to change.
In physical terminology - developing a resonance or frequency specificity that takes us from the place now to a future where we have left our current problems far behind. Many cultures and civilizations before us have done this, so why can't we? Even if it doesn't happen overnight.
But it is a goal - for everyone.

In this category of simple remote viewing sessions, articles will appear in the following context:
- Copper in the context of our evolution and current technology
- Pyramids and space-time grids in combination with the quantum field
- The beings from Genesis and their abilities
- The structure of space and Shiva
- Our tradition infected by cargo cult
And much more. The articles will be added bit by bit.
I hope you enjoy learning and have an interesting contemplation about other points of view.
July 28, 2024
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