What is Remote Viewing?
The crystal ball according to protocol
when places, times, people, things and events no longer remain hidden
Remote Viewing
The CIA and the U.S. Army developed a $20 million-funded protocol called Remote Viewing (RV) that enables the subconscious's inherent ability to gain knowledge of any person, place, thing in the past, present, or future .
Where would you go if you were completely free in space and time? Would you go backwards in time to meet your ancestors? Or forward in time to see what it will look like in 300 years? Or go microscopic and look at molecules?
And you ask yourself:Where is my crystal ball when I need it? The answer is – you already own it!!!
It's called consciousness
Even our quantum physics is beginning to recognize what our consciousness really is. And there is a technique - which this crystal ball reveals to you:
Remote Viewing
Personally, I am grateful that I was able to learn the HRVG, a special RV method. You can find more information about this here:

HRVG Methodology
With aspects familiar to CRV and ERV practitioners alike, the Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild (HRVG) methodology is described by HRVG President, Glenn Wheaton, as a 1980’s collaboration between the US Army Special Forces and famed psychic Dr. Richard Ireland.
The methodology is an integration of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and a US Army intelligence “SALUTE” (size, activity, location,
unit, time, equipment, remarks) reporting format.
While highly structured, the methodology provides a versatile platform from which the remote viewer can transition from an alert mental Beta wave collection state to a more relaxed experiential Theta wave extended remote viewing (ERV) state.
Viewers engage and train their subconscious to place target imagery as visuals in a notional area called “Blackboard.” Viewers also obtain other sensory and kinesthetic data in sequential order, using NLP techniques to facilitate communication with the subconscious.
The viewers begin a session in an alert Beta wave state, working the fast-paced, highly structured methodology.
They perceive and identify the major gestalts at the target with an S-1 visual ideogram, move on to the collection of sensory data in S-2 using NLP techniques, and then assemble the data into an S-3 data consolidation or site sketch. As the session continues and target contact increases, viewers naturally move to an Alpha wave state for the S-4 information cascade and use of the “Blackboard.” With the longer dwell time allowed in an Alpha state, viewers examine each gestalt with more depth and clarity. By S-5 the viewers set aside pen and paper, do a cool-down technique to attain a state with more Theta brain waves, and go into monitored ERV.
The methodology includes a collection and reporting scheme that is conducive to the capture of visual data while remaining analytically friendly.
The methodology includes temporal models for the determination of locations as well as timelines. Viewers are also taught three tiers of analytical appliqués for use in evaluating the results of their remote viewing efforts