Future Targets

Future Targets

Future Targets

Future Targets are blackboards that only require 1-2 seconds of perception.

They show how the future is currently depicted in the collective mind. It can always be changed according to people's behavior. So prophecies are always a warning - otherwise they wouldn't make any sense.

If everything were unavoidable, we wouldn't have to look at it - it's more about avoiding it. It's not about viewing a HIT, i.e. being "right" - even if that gives the viewer a pat on the back...

“But I only ever see the catastrophes!” - I hear often - yes, of course - first comes the “crap” that you should avoid - why should your subconscious be the first to show you a meadow of flowers where you are sitting happily? These images will only come when there is nothing threatening left.

Here are a few examples from last year:

Viewing from December 10, 2022 for February 2023

A large earthquake with a long crack running through the earth - near the city

The earthquake between Turkey and Syria tore a huge chasm in a former olive field near Antakya in February 2023
Future Targets

Viewing from February 23, 2023

A fire breaks out in a high-rise building in a large city - a construction site nearby with a construction crane

On Thursday (March 2, 2023), a fire broke out in a high-rise building under construction in Hong Kong's Tsim Sha Tsui district. The flames also spread to buildings in the area, but some were quickly extinguished, police said.

Subscribe to Future Targets

These are examples of the Future Targets that I publish on this site once or twice a month (approx. 5 - 15 target pages) - they are only accessible to paying subscribers to my substack. Firstly, because my work is worth something - and secondly, because I don't want to make this data publicly available to everyone.
They are published in advance and updated when the event occurs. A future target has a lead time of around one to three months. Unless you are specifically focusing on a whole year of monthly information.


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