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on the adventures in remote viewing

Practical application of Remote Viewing: Future Targets, Mystery Targets, Extra Targets, LaserCube building instructions

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After booking, you will be taken to a registration page where you can choose your username and password. Finally, confirm your email and you will have access to your level. 

Have fun!!!

Booking Future Targets

Here you can book an annual subscription for access to Future Targets at a membership price of 80 euros.

It is also possible to book a six-month subscription at a membership price of 50 euros.

Then please select the second button below this column.
Included are the

- Future Targets
- Extra Targets
- LaserCube instructions

Booking Mystery Targets

Here you can book an annual subscription for access to Mystery Targets (Founder Level) for a membership price of 240 euros. 

Included are the

- Future Targets
- Extra Targets
- LaserCube Instruction
- Mystery Targets

Annual membership Future Targets for 80 €

Semi-annual membership Future Targets for 50 €

Annual membership Mystery Targets for 240 €

Join me on Substack

You can access this member area with a Newsletter subscription also

1. Subscription - Future Targets 8 euros per month

2. Subscription - Mystery Targets including the Future Target for the founder subscription for 240 euros annually

The subscriptions can be taken out under my Substack - by subscribing to my newsletter you can
Choose free access - then you will only receive my newsletter,
Paid access - for the Furture Targets or
the founder and you get access to the entire site for one year.

The Future Targets are updated with new viewings once or twice a month and the Mystery Targets get a new, exciting story every month. All articles on darkfield microscopy are still free in my Substack.
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