Edgar Cayce and Atlantis

Edgar Cayce and Atlantis

he was right - but not as we thought

Atlantis and its resurrection

In his Readings, Cayce claimed that Atlantis existed. He described it as a large continent with advanced technology that was colonized by the first humans on earth around 10 million years ago. According to Cayce, the society of Atlantis was divided into two main races. According to Cayce, there was a race called the Sons of the Law of One and a race called the Sons of Belial. Many people today are reincarnations of souls from Atlantis. He himself considered himself to be a reincarnated Egyptian. Cayce also postulated that there was a blue healing stone of Atlantean origin that could be found on an island in the Caribbean.

His most significant statement was that Atlantis should be resurrected - in the Bahamas.

Well, he was right - but not in the way we would assume.
He saw the Atlantis hotel complex in the Bahamas in the future. 

His vision was correct, only his mind could not have guessed that there were vacation hotels today that appeared to be on Atlantis.

It is similar in many Future Targets in Remote Viewing - you see the right thing - but you can't interpret it correctly because you, or rather your personality, is missing a lot of information. It tries to provide an explanation with learned associations, which is flawed by the filter program in our head.

Our vision is correct - only the interpretation is often not.
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